(noun)foolish and prolonged talk

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Barefoot in Fenway.. I think not.

I am not a jinx. phew!! The red sox were victorious last night!! yipee! Score was 9-1. Take that Tampa Bay! BAM! POW! I was definitely relieved. The game was great. Fenway is always entertaining, not only the baseball but the fans of course. Here are some of the highlights from my evening.

- Before the game my friend spotted a guy walking around barefoot. Bleck!! Luckily he was walking close to first aid station. I actually said "Thank god!" when I saw the large "First Aid"sign... but then thought what the hell do I care. This dude deserves to get a staph infection.

- Loretta"Where's my smokes?" hit a double that should have been a single. I forget the center fielder's name from TB that attempted to throw to third but threw into the stands. heh heh heh!!!

- Two girls sitting in our section were annoying the bloody crap out of me. They had this huge sign and were on their cell phones the entire game hoping to be on TV. Don't get me wrong.. I feel grateful to be present anywhere in the park on any given game day... But, our seats are obstructed for a good part of the game because of people walking up and down the aisle next to us. It's a sore spot. So of course these chicks wait until everyone has seated and we finally have a clear view of the field to hold the damn sign up. Now, this is one shoddy sign. At least use a marker that is not running out of ink if you intend to be on TV. Everyone around us starts grumbling cause they keep doing this.... over and over. I'm not that assertive of a person... but I was forced to yell, rather loudly. "SIGN DOWN!!!!" and then i said "bitches" in a really quiet voice. The sign did not reappear. I felt vindicated and was thanked by the people sitting next to us.

- Adam Stern made an amazing catch. He face planted on the green monster and then again on the ground... he just laid there for a few seconds and of course didn't drop the ball. I am so trying to find a picture. It looked like it hurt! cool.

- Fan on the field. YEAH!! Everyone gets so excited when there is a fan on the field!!! I think it's partly cause: one, we hope they streak. two, we like to see a good tackle. So this guy enters the field right below our section.. he's grinning ear to ear and passes in front of Nixon. Points to his shirt (which of course is a Nixon shirt) and then points to Nixon himself.. HAHAHA! The irony. He then increases speed... starts to attempt a zig zag motion avoiding security. AND then the piece de resistance... the tackle... the crowd erupts and it's a wondrous day at Fenway Park.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nakey guys in Fenway... that would certainly cause an uproar in Beantown! Ha! Glad you had a good time :o)

12:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:30 PM


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