(noun)foolish and prolonged talk

Friday, April 21, 2006

You don't have to feel guilty.

Last night over dinner a friend told me about an article in Rolling Stone....Nick Lachey's "Tell-All" .... I acted as though I really didn't care all that much. However, I proceeded to Google it later last night.
I will not be ashamed!!!

HAHAHAHA! They don't know how evil I really am!!Here is an excerpt:

"How do you know when your marriage is over?"
Nick Lachey is sipping a glass of merlot in New York's Peninsula Hotel, his chair pushed several feet away from the table, his back to the room. It is the first warm day of March, but Lachey is spending it indoors. He has already eaten a cheeseburger and fries, and now he is sinking deeper into his seat, drinking a second glass of wine to take the edge off, which no one would begrudge him, given the circumstances.

"I'll tell you how I knew my marriage was over," he continues flatly, tugging at his black T-shirt. "I was told."

oooooooooooh.. .. He's totally going to walk away with the sympathy of America.

It's ok.. I know you want to read more... really it's ok. It's not your fault. Here's the link: Nick Lachey: King Of Pain

He cries in it several times people...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am not ashamed to admit that i bought rolling stone just for this article even though my copy of us weekly had a summary of the rolling stone article.....it was actually a pretty good issue of rolling stone with an article anaylyzing our "decider's" presidency......

10:26 AM


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