(noun)foolish and prolonged talk

Monday, May 01, 2006

Davy Crockett at the gym.

I went to the gym yesterday morning. Usually on early Sunday mornings one finds the highly dedicated and "fit" at the gym. I am neither highly dedicated nor fit, I just woke up earlier then usual. I decided to get the workout over with before I convinced myself that I didn't have to go.... and BOY oh BOY, am I glad I did.

Upon entering the gym I spotted an employee instructing a very tall individual on how to use an exercise bike. I am pretty short so I didn't really look at the guy. But, as I got closer, I noticed he was a larger man wearing your typical workout outfit .. AND to "top" it off a RACCOON CAP. Yup a big ol' fury dead animal on his head. I walked briskly to the locker room. It's not often you feel the urge to gaffaw at the gym.

I returned to the gym area and was sure to get a machine in view of this guy. He couldn't possibly do a complete workout with the sweaty dead thing on his head.... oh but he did. ick. What would ever make someone pick out that hat to workout in??? I can understand if the guy was self-conscious if he was balding or whatever, but how bout a baseball cap..... Maybe he's always cold. Anyways, it made my morning..... I'd thought I'd share. I found myself singing in my head while on the elliptical.. "Davee Daveeee Crockett....king of the wild frontier..." Why do I know that song???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! People are funny!!!

10:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

THis is almost as funny but not quite as funny as the "little person" using the elliptical machine!! (I know, I am going to hell)

9:52 PM


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