(noun)foolish and prolonged talk

Thursday, April 27, 2006

sudoku is evil.

So sudoku is addictive... most people can either attest to this or have heard others say it. So hopefully in some way you can relate to my predicament.

Below is a suduku puzzle that a friend started. He was stumped and asked me to take a look. Well the puzzle has been driving me frickin crazy. I would appreciate any help... all I need is just one move!! I'll buy the first person who comments with a solution a starbucks or a beer or whatever. ok?? I know.. I'm a dork. But you're a dork too cause you're reading this. Helpa me.

I'm sorry for the sad scanned copy. Hopefully y'all can read it. Yup I said y'all..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe i'll give it a try today/this weekend after i read the directions -- hee hee...good luck!

9:10 AM

Blogger adrianna said...

Thanks to Heather.. I am able to finish this gdamn puzzle.. she definitely gets both a starbucks and a beer. woohoo!

10:59 PM


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