(noun)foolish and prolonged talk

Monday, May 08, 2006

Mucho good day.

This post is long overdue.

Friday was my birthday... I'm not too into birthdays. But, I must say that I had a great day. I am unbelievably lucky to have the friends and family that I do.... I was definitely feeling quite fortunate and thankful. tear.

Enough of the mushy stuff though.. Here are some of the highlights:

- My mother showed up in my office holding two large plants and a balloon.
- My sisters showed up at work later that day with cupcakes. 2 chocolate cupcakes were missing from the bakery box... hmmmm. 2 missing cupcakes, 2 sisters.
- My friends had a small gathering for me and of course to celebrate cinqo de mayo.
I "surfed" on the roof of my friend's truck. Teen wolf style baby. Upon dismounting I landed on the hood a VW Jetta. I have no idea whose Jetta it was... but it served its purpose. Hopefully I didn't dent it.
I incessantly threw candy at people.. ok one person in particular. For some reason I thought it was hysterical. They were starbursts. I'm sure they hurt.. so I apologize for any possible bruising.
I refused to eat my birthday cake.
I beat the crap out of a pinata. (that's where the candy came from)
I was basically belligerent and regressed to the age of 7 and loved every minute of it... Oh and I was given a lawn gnome that now lives on my window ledge.

It was the bestest birthday ever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

see -- you're not that old yet!

4:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that you also "rode" the horse pinata. It was the best Gucho De Mayo ever!


6:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! My day is complete!

6:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Birthdays are a great time to reflect on the years that have come before and regress (through the help of alochol) to the age 7, forever keeping us young or at least giving us something to laugh about till the next one!! Good post!

9:50 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um were you a biligerant drunk when you were 7? I (along with the VW) sustained only minor brusing. Sandro's truck on the other hand didn't feel a thing.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!

9:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No fair, I want to be invited to all future Mucho de Mayo celebrations - it is an outrage that myself and one Maura Costello were not included!!!

Happy 27th, you old biatch!!!

4:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My neighbor is pretty upset about the foot print on the hood of her jetta!! No apologies necessary because I blamed it on Scott.

11:18 PM


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