(noun)foolish and prolonged talk

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Who needs Amsterdam??

 That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age.
According to a LA Times article, President Vincent Fox is about to sign a bill in Mexico that will make virtually every drug or narcotic legal. This is in an effort to curb trafficking and to focus on preventing "large drug shipments". HMMMM....

There is even a per person amount approved by anyone over 18 years old:

Cocaine: 1/2 gram
Ecstasy: 2 Pills
LSD: "several" doses
Marijuana: a "few" joints
Heroin: one spoonful
Opium: 5 grams
Peyote(halluncinogenic cactus): 2lbs.

I'm having trouble connecting the dots on this one... but I thought it was interesting. I'm sincerely scared for the college students of America. Spring break next year should be interesting to say the least.


Blogger Cheez said...

Pretty soon they won't need pharmacists down there...how ridiculous is it that cocaine will be legal to buy on the streets but you'll still have to go to the doctor for your cholesterol medication prescription?

6:45 PM

Blogger Cheez said...

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6:45 PM

Blogger adrianna said...

It seems that Fox is having some second thoughts.. I guess I posted this story a bit too soon. Check it out.... "Under U.S. pressure, president backs off decriminalization bill"

11:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

um, that's crazy.....i'm not a fan of this.....drugs are bad!

8:28 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say fantastic!! Let them legalize drugs and Darwinism will take care of the rest of the problems. Survival of the fittest!

10:39 AM


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