(noun)foolish and prolonged talk

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Some lovely customer feedback...

Click here and visit the Human Rights Campaign

I wanted you all to read two emails I received from two different customers of mine. One was sent to my individual email account at work. The other was a response to a bulk email I sent notifying all my customers of our current promotions and specials. I have changed the name of the company I work for as well as the genius authors of these ridiculous emails.


"Just to let you know, there's a boycott of POOP INC. products going on due to the POOP INC. generous financial supporting of the Gay & Lesbian lifestyle.
It's being promoted by the American Family Assoc. and Massachusetts Family Assoc.
This support is seen as an attack on the American family, (the bread and butter) of your stockholders!
We intend to keep this boycott going for as long as it takes for POOP to remove it's support of this lifestyle.
God Bless,
Cruella DeVille


“I want you to know that I am participating in the boycott of POOP INC. I ask that you pass along to POOP Chairman Bill POOP my concern regarding POOP's support for the homosexual agenda, including financial contributions to groups promoting homosexual marriage. I’m asking that POOP INC. remain neutral in the cultural battle concerning the family and marriage. Thank you for listening to my concern.”
Lord Voldemort

Imagine the campaigns going on in "Red" states.
Visit the Human Rights Campaign website.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just goes to show that people just do not get it!!! Gay rights is not an attack on anyones family!! If 2 people want to express their committment to each other . . LET THEM! God knows straight couples have been screwing it up for years! Thanks for the oppurtunity to stand on your soap box :)

10:16 AM

Blogger adrianna said...

I received email #3 this morning:

I currently own a poop on a stick. It would be nice to upgrade, but I have decided not to do business with POOP INC unless they decide to take a neutral stand on "Marriage" issues.
Thank you,
Big's Natasha

9:57 AM


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