(noun)foolish and prolonged talk

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Annoying coworker #1: Where are you going?
Me: To my car to get my Vitamin Water. I forgot it.....
Annoying coworker #1: What are you getting?
Me: Vitamin Water
Annoying coworker#1: What's Vitamin Water?
Me: Water with Vitamins. Be right back. *SMILE*

(I go get vitamin water ... run into annoying coworker #1 and #2 while returning to office)

Annoying coworker #1: Can I see that? ( pointing to bottle)
Me: Sure. Here.
Annoying coworker #1: You weren't lying. It really is water with vitamins.
Me: Yup.
Annoying coworker#2: Can I see it too???
Me: Go for it.
Annoying coworker#2: Oops!! heh heh heh *Starts to shake bottle of Revive like crazy, and forcefully throws bottle to the ground*
Me: Thanks. GRRRRRR.

I am not feeling revived.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it could be worse -- you could have a coworker that overflowed the toilet at work!

4:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who was it! I'll kick em' in the shins!

5:18 PM


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