(noun)foolish and prolonged talk

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." Upton Sinclair

Sorry I have been MIA the past week... more posts to come.

A couple of days ago President Bush was asked if he will see Al Gore's new movie, An Inconvenient Truth. Here is his response to the question:

QUESTION: Will you see Al Gore’s new movie?


BUSH: Doubt it.


But I will say this about the environmental debate: that my answer to the energy question also is an answer to how you deal with, you know, the greenhouse gas issue. And that is new technologies will change how we live and how we drive our cars, which all will have the beneficial effect of improving the environment.

And in my judgment, we need to set aside whether or not greenhouse gases have been caused by mankind or because of natural effects, and focus on the technologies that will enable us to live better lives and, at the same time, protect the environment.

I think our President has missed the point. One needs to know how a problem is caused to adequately solve it.....

What did Gore have to say in response?? Here's an excerpt from an article by the Associated Press:
"Why should we set aside the global scientific consensus," Gore said, his voice rising with emotion. "Is it because Exxon Mobil wants us to set it aside? Why should we set aside the conclusion of scientists in the United States, including the National Academy of Sciences, and around the world including the 11 most important national academies of science on the globe and substitute for their view the view of Exxon Mobil. Why?"

"I'm a grandfather and he's a father and this should not be a political issue," Gore said. "And he should ask the National Academy of Sciences ... whether or not human beings are contributing to global warming."

I don't know if you all have noticed... but a while ago I posted a link to watch the trailer of An Inconvenient Truth under "links".. of course!! Please check it out if you get a chance.

It opens in select theaters today, May 24, 2006!


Blogger adrianna said...

Yes, I hope that was a verbal mistake as well. It certainly wouldn't be a first on Bush's part...

10:07 AM


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