(noun)foolish and prolonged talk

Thursday, June 01, 2006

You are cordially invited...

I received in the mail the other day an invitation to the President's Dinner on June 19th. For the bargain price of $2500, I have the opportunity to dine with the leader of the free world.

HA HA HA! very funny. Whoever put me on the mailing list for the Republican Party is very clever.. and you should be proud. BUT!! I will find out who you are!! Just you wait.. You will be receiving mail from Meatloaf's or Yanni's fanclub when you least expect it....

The invite included a letter from two of my most favorite people, Majority Leader Frist and Speaker Hasert. Here are some of my favorite statements:

  • We'll counteract the "mainstream" media that have been force-feeding the American public with liberal propaganda.
  • We will expose the Democratic Party as nothing more than an angry group of left-wing demagogues with no ideas, no vision and no principles.
  • Those far-left "527" groups that came out of nowhere in 2004 are back, raising money at an incredible rate from the usual suspects- big labor bosses, Hollywood elistists, and billionaire foreign investor George Soros. (Reminiscent of Team America: World Police)
  • There's no way we're going to allow this group of "do-nothing Democrats" and their allies in the liberal media to keep us on our heels all the way through the fall election.
  • There's an old saying that goes, "You can judge a man by the company he keeps." ( I actually agree with this statement..)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, george soros must feel important to be singled out like that!

3:31 PM


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