(noun)foolish and prolonged talk

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Neil Young Baby

Click below to listen to Neil Young's new album for free.. Yeah!! free.

Check out his blog!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Happy Secretary's Day!!!

I have been at the same company for almost four years now.... My positions have varied. I have never been an administrative assistant while employed here. However, every year all female employees receive flowers for Secretary's Day, regardless of their position.

Yesterday I was welcomed to my desk by the floral arrangement you see to the left. It is in some type of metallic pot. Somehow this surprises me every year.

The ironic thing is the only true "secretary" or "administrative professional" that works with me was the one in charge of ordering and distributing all of the floral arrangements. She did not get to celebrate her "holiday." She was not able to bask in appreciation for all her hard work.

I don't mean to sound like an angry feminist because it is truly amusing to me. After the initial shock, I was actually excited to be able to blog about this.

Here is a short history of this lovely holiday:
Administrative Professionals (Secretary's) Day
National Professional Secretaries Week and National Secretary's Day was created in 1952 through the work of Harry F. Klemfuss of Young and Rubicam. Klemfuss recognized the importance and value of the position to a company or business. His goal was to encourage more women to become secretaries. Using his skill and experience in public relations, Klemfuss, promoted the values and importance of the job of secretaries. In doing so, he also created the holiday in recognition of the importance of secretaries.
Today, the title is changing and evolving. But, the recognition is equally important. There are two new terms in use today. They are "Administrative Professionals" and "Executive Admins". The two names sometimes mean different roles and responsibilities to different companies. Both are broader terms, that encompass more positions than the original "Secretary" role.
The name change recognizes and acknowledges that the role has changed significantly since 1952, and for the better at that. And in Harry Klemfuss' day, these postions were the realm of women. Today, you find some males in these positions.

From www.holidayinsights.com

Thursday, April 27, 2006

sudoku is evil.

So sudoku is addictive... most people can either attest to this or have heard others say it. So hopefully in some way you can relate to my predicament.

Below is a suduku puzzle that a friend started. He was stumped and asked me to take a look. Well the puzzle has been driving me frickin crazy. I would appreciate any help... all I need is just one move!! I'll buy the first person who comments with a solution a starbucks or a beer or whatever. ok?? I know.. I'm a dork. But you're a dork too cause you're reading this. Helpa me.

I'm sorry for the sad scanned copy. Hopefully y'all can read it. Yup I said y'all..

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

read me.

Neither of the below articles are funny at all.. or even that entertaining. But, you should read them.
Student's Prize is a Trip Into Immigration Limbo
A Religious Push Against Gay Unions

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

In case you wanted to know....

I'm slightly excited about this.... It will be interesting to see how they make Legally Blonde into a musical. The "Bend and Snap" routine should be hysterical. Hopefully, Jennifer Coolidge will be in it... I don't picture her singing though. poo.

From New York Times April 26, 2006:

Legally Blonde' Coming to Broadway

The musical version of "Legally Blonde," the Broadway directorial debut of Jerry Mitchell, the Tony-Award winning choreographer of "La Cage aux Folles," has scheduled its Broadway opening for April 26, 2007, at a theater to be announced. This will follow an engagement at the Orpheum Theater in San Francisco beginning in January. The book of the musical, based on the novel by Amanda Brown that was later made into a movie starring Reese Witherspoon, will be by Heather Hach, her first for a Broadway show. Nell Benjamin and Laurence O'Keefe will also be making their Broadway debut as a songwriting team. In addition to directing, Mr. Mitchell will be the choreographer. CAMPBELL ROBERTSON

Monday, April 24, 2006

Doggy Steps.

Bark! Bark! Woof!
I keep seeing the commercial for Doggy Steps. I'm not sure if many of you have seen this commercial... It tends to play late at night. The fact that I repeatedly see it is troubling. Something is wrong with my TV viewing habits. I shouldn't fit into their target demographic?!?!

The existence of these steps both amuses and perplexes me. I am a dog person. However, the idea of encouraging your dog to join you on the couch and/or your bed with MORE ease is slightly disturbing.

Apparently some dogs need to be taught how to use the steps:

Q: How do I teach my dog to use Doggy Steps?

Here some helpful hints that you could try to get your dog accustomed to using his/her new Doggy Steps!

• Place the Doggy Steps on a stable, non-slippery floor.

• Be sure the Doggy Steps are placed firmly against the object you would like your dog to climb.

• Place a couple of your dog’s favorite treats on the bottom step of the Doggy Steps. Allow your dog to take the treats off the step.

• When your dog is comfortable taking the treats off the bottom step, place a couple more treats on the second step. Again, allow the dog to take the treats off the step and become comfortable stepping onto the bottom step.

• Continue to place treats on each step, and then onto the bed or sofa, until your dog walks up the steps confidently.

These simple techniques will reward your dog in a positive manner and make him/her very comfortable using the Doggy Steps. You can also use these same techniques to train your dog to go down the steps. Simply do the exercise in reverse order. Be sure to lavish praise on your dog when he/she uses the Doggy Steps correctly!

from www.doggysteps.com

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Stay Classy Cheney

Unfortunately, I did not read this on theonion.com.

Cheney decided he needed a nappy-poo during Chinese President Hu's press conference.

Is that drool on his tie??
Story on huffpost Also, you can find it at www.thinkprogress.org and the New York Post.

Friday, April 21, 2006

You don't have to feel guilty.

Last night over dinner a friend told me about an article in Rolling Stone....Nick Lachey's "Tell-All" .... I acted as though I really didn't care all that much. However, I proceeded to Google it later last night.
I will not be ashamed!!!

HAHAHAHA! They don't know how evil I really am!!Here is an excerpt:

"How do you know when your marriage is over?"
Nick Lachey is sipping a glass of merlot in New York's Peninsula Hotel, his chair pushed several feet away from the table, his back to the room. It is the first warm day of March, but Lachey is spending it indoors. He has already eaten a cheeseburger and fries, and now he is sinking deeper into his seat, drinking a second glass of wine to take the edge off, which no one would begrudge him, given the circumstances.

"I'll tell you how I knew my marriage was over," he continues flatly, tugging at his black T-shirt. "I was told."

oooooooooooh.. .. He's totally going to walk away with the sympathy of America.

It's ok.. I know you want to read more... really it's ok. It's not your fault. Here's the link: Nick Lachey: King Of Pain

He cries in it several times people...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Barefoot in Fenway.. I think not.

I am not a jinx. phew!! The red sox were victorious last night!! yipee! Score was 9-1. Take that Tampa Bay! BAM! POW! I was definitely relieved. The game was great. Fenway is always entertaining, not only the baseball but the fans of course. Here are some of the highlights from my evening.

- Before the game my friend spotted a guy walking around barefoot. Bleck!! Luckily he was walking close to first aid station. I actually said "Thank god!" when I saw the large "First Aid"sign... but then thought what the hell do I care. This dude deserves to get a staph infection.

- Loretta"Where's my smokes?" hit a double that should have been a single. I forget the center fielder's name from TB that attempted to throw to third but threw into the stands. heh heh heh!!!

- Two girls sitting in our section were annoying the bloody crap out of me. They had this huge sign and were on their cell phones the entire game hoping to be on TV. Don't get me wrong.. I feel grateful to be present anywhere in the park on any given game day... But, our seats are obstructed for a good part of the game because of people walking up and down the aisle next to us. It's a sore spot. So of course these chicks wait until everyone has seated and we finally have a clear view of the field to hold the damn sign up. Now, this is one shoddy sign. At least use a marker that is not running out of ink if you intend to be on TV. Everyone around us starts grumbling cause they keep doing this.... over and over. I'm not that assertive of a person... but I was forced to yell, rather loudly. "SIGN DOWN!!!!" and then i said "bitches" in a really quiet voice. The sign did not reappear. I felt vindicated and was thanked by the people sitting next to us.

- Adam Stern made an amazing catch. He face planted on the green monster and then again on the ground... he just laid there for a few seconds and of course didn't drop the ball. I am so trying to find a picture. It looked like it hurt! cool.

- Fan on the field. YEAH!! Everyone gets so excited when there is a fan on the field!!! I think it's partly cause: one, we hope they streak. two, we like to see a good tackle. So this guy enters the field right below our section.. he's grinning ear to ear and passes in front of Nixon. Points to his shirt (which of course is a Nixon shirt) and then points to Nixon himself.. HAHAHA! The irony. He then increases speed... starts to attempt a zig zag motion avoiding security. AND then the piece de resistance... the tackle... the crowd erupts and it's a wondrous day at Fenway Park.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Political Discourse.. NAAH!!

Nanny nanny poo poo!
Our Commander in Chief (or "Decider-in-Chief" as Arianna Huffington said in her column.) yesterday while announcing Bob Portman as budget director:

"I hear the voices and I read the front page and I know the speculation. But I'm the decider and I decide what's best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense." Listen It's hi-larious!

I just picture him saying afterwards "SO nanny nanny poo poo on you!! "

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Red Sox Must Win Tomorrow!! (Tonight too!)

Yankees Suck!

Ok so I'm going to the Red Sox game tomorrow night. I have been to two other games this season. Both times they have lost. I'm beginning to have a bit of a complex... They must win!! Schilling is pitching.

Also, I decided that I will jump on the Loretta bandwagon.. Although every time I hear his name I either speak out loud or in my head "Loretta! Where's my smokes??" in a Minnesota accent. I can't shake the Drop Dead Gorgeous obsession. So I hope you start saying it too!!

Monday, April 17, 2006

On Blogging.

First post. hmmm. Much pressure here. It's fitting that my first topic is "Blogging."

Today there was an article on Boston.com about how blogging is "essential" to advancing one's career. Here are the 8 main reasons to blog according to BostonWorks:

1. Blogging creates a network.
2. Blogging can get you a job.
3. Blogging is great training.

4. Blogging helps you move up quickly.
5. Blogging makes self-employment easier.
6. Blogging provides more opportunities.
7. Blogging could be your big break.
8. Blogging makes the world a better place

I think the BostonWorks wizards got a wee bit carried away in their optimism. I will be sure to keep you all updated as these reasons come to fruition. However, YOU all (meaning the two people who will actually read this blog) will have to inform me how my blog is making the world a better place.