(noun)foolish and prolonged talk

Friday, May 26, 2006

Missed my chance to own a piece of Arrested Development

Estate Sales LA hosted an auction last weekend of some of the contents of the Bluth household. DOH!!! I was reading a blog by Huffington Post's Maureen Miller and found out about it too late. It's not likely that I would have bid on an item, but I would have liked to have known in advance. I thought you all would be amused by this. I know I'm not the only one who misses this show. Thank god for DVDs.

Friday, May 19 – Sunday, May 21, 2006
2032 Stoner Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Estate Sales Los Angeles is pleased to announce that it will conduct an exciting prop house sale of the contents of one of Twentieth Century Fox Television's favorite television shows of the past decade "Arrested Development".

Spectacular array of items will include several periods of furniture, magic show accessories and artifacts, interior décor items, art, books, kitchen appliances and kitchen ware, interior/exterior lighting, office furniture, extensive entertainment memorabilia and too much more to itemize.

Don't miss the opportunity to own a piece of this show.

Pictures: Casket used by magician Parking sign for George Bluth Lucille’s Dining Room Chair Milford Academy Sign

Thursday, May 25, 2006

American Idol

Last night's finale of American Idol was definitely entertaining. At various points in the show I was both clapping and cringing.
Finer points included Mary J Blige performing with Elliot Yamin, and the Burt Bacharach montage complete with Dionne as well as the Dirty Dancing finale with both Katherine and Taylor. (Which was hilariously bad, but I'm not ashamed to say I enjoyed it.)
Absolutely terrifying points included Meatloaf and his sweaty red handkerchief, and Clay Aiken impersonator who had the scariest eyebrow line and looked quite terrified himself.
I was actually happy that Taylor Hicks won. I am guilty of watching the show from the first episode of the season and did like Taylor's singing. It was not much of a surprise. His stroke-like singing style and charisma has always amused me. I hope his album is less Michael McDonald and more Joe Cocker. We shall see.

I understand that one's brain may shrink while watching the show... But, we are not as apathetic as Ryan Seacrest would lead us to believe. The 2004 Presidential election drew well more than 100 million votes.

Bush received 62,040,606 votes.

Kerry received 59,028,109 votes.

Also, let’s not forget the whole voting multiple times and those that are under 18 that voted last night.

Welcome to my world.

I thought this clip was from Analyze That with Billy Crystal. Am I crazy?

Either way, I identify too well with this scene.

Resemblance is scary.

I'm a lawyer!

Jar Jar

I'm going to hell for posting this.. but everytime I see scary skinny Star Jones I think of Jar Jar.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." Upton Sinclair

Sorry I have been MIA the past week... more posts to come.

A couple of days ago President Bush was asked if he will see Al Gore's new movie, An Inconvenient Truth. Here is his response to the question:

QUESTION: Will you see Al Gore’s new movie?


BUSH: Doubt it.


But I will say this about the environmental debate: that my answer to the energy question also is an answer to how you deal with, you know, the greenhouse gas issue. And that is new technologies will change how we live and how we drive our cars, which all will have the beneficial effect of improving the environment.

And in my judgment, we need to set aside whether or not greenhouse gases have been caused by mankind or because of natural effects, and focus on the technologies that will enable us to live better lives and, at the same time, protect the environment.

I think our President has missed the point. One needs to know how a problem is caused to adequately solve it.....

What did Gore have to say in response?? Here's an excerpt from an article by the Associated Press:
"Why should we set aside the global scientific consensus," Gore said, his voice rising with emotion. "Is it because Exxon Mobil wants us to set it aside? Why should we set aside the conclusion of scientists in the United States, including the National Academy of Sciences, and around the world including the 11 most important national academies of science on the globe and substitute for their view the view of Exxon Mobil. Why?"

"I'm a grandfather and he's a father and this should not be a political issue," Gore said. "And he should ask the National Academy of Sciences ... whether or not human beings are contributing to global warming."

I don't know if you all have noticed... but a while ago I posted a link to watch the trailer of An Inconvenient Truth under "links".. of course!! Please check it out if you get a chance.

It opens in select theaters today, May 24, 2006!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

If it's not Scottish, it's crap.

If it's not Scottish, it's crap!
Just wanted to suggest some fantastic music. A while back, I saw KT Tunstall at the Paradise Club in Boston. I took pleasure in knowing she was a little known secret. The tickets were only $12 and I was able to get an awesome view of the stage that night.

Since seeing her live or rather hearing her live, I have been hooked! I figured I should use this blog to give her a proper plug.

Katharine McPhee performed her hit Black Horse and a Cherry Tree on American Idol. Aside from relentless touring and superb marketing, this performance widened her exposure enormously. However, this performance on American Idol did not do the song justice. It was actually quite comical. I would highly suggest checking out some of the performances below as well as her songs you can sample on her website. She uses a loop machine which gives her an amazing sound. She calls it a "wee bastard pedal."

KT is returning to the Boston area on June 10th and playing at Avalon. Tickets are still available. Buy'em.

- I want you back The crowd messes her up in the beginning.. it's kinda funny.
- Minature Disasters Live at VH1 Studios

Sunday, May 14, 2006

If Al Gore were president.

SNL must see from 5/13. This is great and sad all at the same time. They pulled the youtube video because of copyright infringements. Click below to watch the clip.

Al Gore Opening for Saturday Night Live

Saturday, May 13, 2006

1 Second Film Fundraiser at Sundance

This video is pretty entertaining. Only a couple minutes... Highlights: Kevin Bacon spells his name and the camera man lets Steve Buscemi "borrow" a dollar so he can chip in too... If you get a chance visit the 1 Second Film website! It's a cool concept and all the proceeds will go to charity.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Dude stop sleeping on camera.

Cheney dosed off once again. The picture provided by Reuters but I read about it first on Huffpost. Today Bush met with current and former U.S. secretaries of state and defense at the White House to discuss the situation in Iraq.... I guess Dick didn't think the subject matter was exciting enough.

I'm sorry to post about the same subject again... I just can't get over this. Let's pretend he has narcolepsy.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Norwegian Bocce

With the summer approaching, I decided to spread the word about an unbelievably addictive game. Kubb. (pronounced koob) It is similar to Italian Bocce ball. I'm willing to refute my own heritage and say that it is way better than Bocce.

Heckling is welcomed.
You get to throw sticks.
Great at the beach and/or cookout.
Goes great with beer.
You don't feel like a fat Italian.

I am planning on buying my own game set. I have been mooching off a friend's set for too long. They are about $50, but are well worth it... The website is actually pretty funny. People can get pretty hardcore. To order a set, to review rules, and to read up on the complete history go to www.kubbin.com.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Some lovely customer feedback...

Click here and visit the Human Rights Campaign

I wanted you all to read two emails I received from two different customers of mine. One was sent to my individual email account at work. The other was a response to a bulk email I sent notifying all my customers of our current promotions and specials. I have changed the name of the company I work for as well as the genius authors of these ridiculous emails.


"Just to let you know, there's a boycott of POOP INC. products going on due to the POOP INC. generous financial supporting of the Gay & Lesbian lifestyle.
It's being promoted by the American Family Assoc. and Massachusetts Family Assoc.
This support is seen as an attack on the American family, (the bread and butter) of your stockholders!
We intend to keep this boycott going for as long as it takes for POOP to remove it's support of this lifestyle.
God Bless,
Cruella DeVille


“I want you to know that I am participating in the boycott of POOP INC. I ask that you pass along to POOP Chairman Bill POOP my concern regarding POOP's support for the homosexual agenda, including financial contributions to groups promoting homosexual marriage. I’m asking that POOP INC. remain neutral in the cultural battle concerning the family and marriage. Thank you for listening to my concern.”
Lord Voldemort

Imagine the campaigns going on in "Red" states.
Visit the Human Rights Campaign website.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Mucho good day.

This post is long overdue.

Friday was my birthday... I'm not too into birthdays. But, I must say that I had a great day. I am unbelievably lucky to have the friends and family that I do.... I was definitely feeling quite fortunate and thankful. tear.

Enough of the mushy stuff though.. Here are some of the highlights:

- My mother showed up in my office holding two large plants and a balloon.
- My sisters showed up at work later that day with cupcakes. 2 chocolate cupcakes were missing from the bakery box... hmmmm. 2 missing cupcakes, 2 sisters.
- My friends had a small gathering for me and of course to celebrate cinqo de mayo.
I "surfed" on the roof of my friend's truck. Teen wolf style baby. Upon dismounting I landed on the hood a VW Jetta. I have no idea whose Jetta it was... but it served its purpose. Hopefully I didn't dent it.
I incessantly threw candy at people.. ok one person in particular. For some reason I thought it was hysterical. They were starbursts. I'm sure they hurt.. so I apologize for any possible bruising.
I refused to eat my birthday cake.
I beat the crap out of a pinata. (that's where the candy came from)
I was basically belligerent and regressed to the age of 7 and loved every minute of it... Oh and I was given a lawn gnome that now lives on my window ledge.

It was the bestest birthday ever.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Who needs Amsterdam??

 That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age.
According to a LA Times article, President Vincent Fox is about to sign a bill in Mexico that will make virtually every drug or narcotic legal. This is in an effort to curb trafficking and to focus on preventing "large drug shipments". HMMMM....

There is even a per person amount approved by anyone over 18 years old:

Cocaine: 1/2 gram
Ecstasy: 2 Pills
LSD: "several" doses
Marijuana: a "few" joints
Heroin: one spoonful
Opium: 5 grams
Peyote(halluncinogenic cactus): 2lbs.

I'm having trouble connecting the dots on this one... but I thought it was interesting. I'm sincerely scared for the college students of America. Spring break next year should be interesting to say the least.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Davy Crockett at the gym.

I went to the gym yesterday morning. Usually on early Sunday mornings one finds the highly dedicated and "fit" at the gym. I am neither highly dedicated nor fit, I just woke up earlier then usual. I decided to get the workout over with before I convinced myself that I didn't have to go.... and BOY oh BOY, am I glad I did.

Upon entering the gym I spotted an employee instructing a very tall individual on how to use an exercise bike. I am pretty short so I didn't really look at the guy. But, as I got closer, I noticed he was a larger man wearing your typical workout outfit .. AND to "top" it off a RACCOON CAP. Yup a big ol' fury dead animal on his head. I walked briskly to the locker room. It's not often you feel the urge to gaffaw at the gym.

I returned to the gym area and was sure to get a machine in view of this guy. He couldn't possibly do a complete workout with the sweaty dead thing on his head.... oh but he did. ick. What would ever make someone pick out that hat to workout in??? I can understand if the guy was self-conscious if he was balding or whatever, but how bout a baseball cap..... Maybe he's always cold. Anyways, it made my morning..... I'd thought I'd share. I found myself singing in my head while on the elliptical.. "Davee Daveeee Crockett....king of the wild frontier..." Why do I know that song???